Do you think it's okay to butcher a deer in your yard hanging from a tree where neighbors can clearly see it?

Legally, yes, I know. Just want to know how that sits with others. 


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I live in suburbia in a place where hunting is very popular. It's deer season right now and I often hear rifles. The number of licenses issued each year is the way the state manages the deer population, allowing hunters to take enough that the survivors won't starve over the harsh winter.

The hunters eat the edible parts (and have some made into sausage), and I've enjoyed it.

But I would not enjoy seeing the carcass hung in plain view, any more than I would a side of beef. And I certainly don't want to see you butcher it. Dress it in the field and take proper care with the parts you discard as well as with your shells.

Adam D2020-11-30T23:21:20Z

My mortgage, my taxes, my insurance - all of these are paid by me, with the money I make from working every week.  I'm not telling my neighbors what kind of decorations to put on their porches, my trees are my business.


No. It is not. It can cause a disturbance to passerby’s. It will also make people sad, as hunting is cruel.


I agree whole heatedly with you, except I'm the vegetarian animal loving neighbor that just spent my entire afternoon shaking and crying. I cannot go speak to them right now as it's still being done, but am considering tomarrow asking them if there is somewhere else they can do this. I just wanted to know if I was totally out of line in doing so because of my bias.
Don't get me wrong, I would 100% rather someone hunt their meat than buy it from the store...but said tree is literally directly in front of my home. The driveway I have to use is 10ft to the right of it. Its not a matter of just not looking in a certain direction and I cannot even describe the reaction of sickness I have to this being done in front of me.


That depends entirely on the neighbors. You have to use your head. If the neighbors have a bunch of little kids, probably not. If the neighbors are all adults, even deer hunters and butcherers themselves, then it's probably OK. 

Do you want to know the real secret to getting the absolute best answer to your question? Ask your goddamn neighbors instead of a bunch of yahoos an Yahoo who don't actually live within eyeshot of your front yard.

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