Boyfriend sits next to me all the time when we go eat? ?

I like when he sits next to me but he told me that in his past dates and relationships he would always sit across from them. And with me he feels like he has to sit next to me always. I asked why one day he said cuz I want to be close to you. I said “ aww” but in reality irk why it made me second think about this. What if he does that cuz I’m actually ugly lol or he can’t look at me or doesnt want me to look at him or find out something he did? Idk my anxiety and trust issues are hitting me. Maybe I’m just over reacting? Lol 


You’re probably overreacting. I like sitting next to my partner too. It’s more chill, and laid-back. I hate when you go on a date and you can feel the other person hyper analyzing you and judging you, and expecting you basically to have this amazing witty personality etc. Also I have an eye twitch so that’s part of it too, lol. I look good but yeah, the eye twitch can make face to face for extended periods uncomfortable. Like it’s needless, you know? 

With my wife, we sit side by side and it’s great 


I like to sit next to girls I am close to, and when this is possible, I prefer this (mostly because I am ugly, not them).

To me, there is a special closeness to be with someone and feel their presence without looking at them, to feel connected without talking, and be in their space, because it not their space or your space but our space. 


This is an interesting cultural issue. In France, the restaurants are always set up for couples to sit next to each other. It's pretty strange that in the US, we expect couples to sit opposite each other, with a table between them. I think it's sweet that your boyfriend wants to sit next to you. 


I think that you are definitely overreacting in this instance. Remember, part of being in a relationship with someone means that you are attracted to them on a physical level as well as an emotional level. Although having that chemistry is always the most important aspect of any relationship, most couples find their partners physically attractive as well. Hence, I think it is extremely unlikely that your boyfriend thinks your ugly. In order to reassure yourself, I would look at things from a positively perspective: your boyfriend may be sitting next to you because he finds you attractive and wants to be close to you. I really hope this helps :)