Boyfriend invited me Starbucks and asked if my family wanted some and I ended up paying? ?

He told me to ask if they wanted Starbucks too and probably thought they would say no lol well when we got there I asked if he was getting something and he said no, but you already have a list of drinks that you have to get. So I order and when I pull up to the window I didn’t see him take out his wallet. He ended up ordering one too. So I had to pay for everything. I think he didn’t want to pay cuz my whole family ordered lol idk why he asked them in the beginning though. 


Gosh, what an interesting story! Was there a question involved as well?? Any question at all?


That was rude and cheap of him. He could have at least split it with you since he's the one that asked!

Andrew Smith2020-11-30T07:53:51Z

I cannot see a question in this.  It is a statement of what happened.