Do you think if we had a revote Trump would lose by even more?

Not to come off as a liberal, which i'm not liberal, but Trump is gaining even more hate for what he is doing. I used to like Trump, but not anymore. You guys?


Please explain how you managed to actually like the pile of manure.
I am curious why you failed to properly assess his character before.


I'm the opposite! Actually I have always disliked Trump. I was cursing him out as I filled in the bubble next to his name. The guy is not likable!  but likability is not how I make my decisions. 

Revote would be a big mistake for the Trump campaign because it'll still be mail-in, no ID, registrations not audited, same machines, and counting rooms windows covered. 


He would definitely lose by more because many Trump voters admit that he lost and would want to prove make sure that he stops making a mockery of the country.

The Oracle of Omigod2020-12-02T17:08:30Z

Just remember, Al Gore did not concede to Bush until December 13th.


Actually the GOP would commit more voter fraud than they did in November.

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