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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 months ago

Do you think if we had a revote Trump would lose by even more?

Not to come off as a liberal, which i'm not liberal, but Trump is gaining even more hate for what he is doing. I used to like Trump, but not anymore. You guys?

9 Answers

  • 4 months ago

    Friendly supreme Court needs to declare this election illegal and make everybody run for office for an additional six months and then have an election again not on the grounds of voter fraud but on the grounds that bidding due to age and physical condition is not fit to be president and that he illegally campaigned as a proxy for his vice president he did not intend to hold office he intended to run and then hand over the presidency to his vice president. 

    He has even admitted to this this makes the election 100% illegal to the max you cannot run as a proxy for another person! You must accept the inauguration and be fit to accept the inauguration if you're physically unfit to accept the inauguration in the first place then you can't take office and then you can't hand it over to your vice president.

    Trump's lawyers haven't approached that problem that direction but they darn ought to.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Please explain how you managed to actually like the pile of manure.

    I am curious why you failed to properly assess his character before.

  • Dan
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    I'm the opposite! Actually I have always disliked Trump. I was cursing him out as I filled in the bubble next to his name. The guy is not likable!  but likability is not how I make my decisions. 

    Revote would be a big mistake for the Trump campaign because it'll still be mail-in, no ID, registrations not audited, same machines, and counting rooms windows covered. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I not a Trump supporter and unfortunately we were left with no choice but to vote for him in 2016 and again this year.  While I have no idea how much voter fraud exists I personally know that dead people vote.  I'm from a small town and decades ago when I went to vote I saw on the list that my dads name, who had passed away a few years before, somehow managed to vote.  When I questioned it I was told that it was somebody else which I suppose is possible however our last name is very unique and the person who voted just happened to live in the same house that I grew up in.  

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  • 4 months ago

    The media is helping you think that way. Yes, the Democrats use hate and bring up hate a lot. Conservative use the term hate, typically counter-euphemistically, with easy compunction. But the Democrats don't see borders in behavior very well, so they are without compunction.  They hate and have no reason not to. The media is willfully spreading it, and the Democrats are full examples of it. As a Christian, I see it as human behavior without the influence of God's salvation. We are in peril because of it.

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  • Mark
    Lv 5
    4 months ago

    He would definitely lose by more because many Trump voters admit that he lost and would want to prove make sure that he stops making a mockery of the country.

  • bil
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    You MEAN more Democrat vote fraud...Possibly, because the 'pollsters' lied.

    Source(s): They were further off than 2016 when the cookie baker was sent back to live with her impeached sex criminal.
  • 4 months ago

    Just remember, Al Gore did not concede to Bush until December 13th.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Actually the GOP would commit more voter fraud than they did in November.

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