Is vote fraud one of the arrows in Nancy Pelosi's quiver that she doesn't want to discuss?


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Let's ask Bill Barr, shall we? 


Yes, please let us ask William Barr.  He said the media outlets incorrectly reported what he said.

ANDRE L2020-12-03T23:05:28Z

Fake News.

Does the poor widdle triggered snowflake, emphasis on the FLAKE, need a safe space to deal with President Joe Biden's inauguration come next month ?

<Laughs> At you.


Do you cuckroaches REALLY think if you keep saying it, people will start to believe you?


Even William Barr admitted there was no fraud activity, you, Rudy, Trump, and the GOP, don't have any evidence. Accept your defeat and move on, or at least move out of the USA. Most Americans want Biden, that's why he won the popular vote.

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