Is the US federal election process....?

a joke?
Has America been reduced to the level of a banana republic as far as the elections are concerned ?


Yes, it is a near complete joke.

Anyone paying attention will have seen the Project Veritas exposés of people buying votes. They will know about ballot harvesting. They will know the fraud that can be perpetrated using mail-in votes. They will remember the trial where a programmer explained how easily voting machines could be rigged and why fractional arithmetic was used to count whole numbers of votes.

They will have noticed how the politicians can never get their heads round Voter ID. Every excuse under the sun is rolled out to prevent anyone checking whether the person placing the vote is entitled to do so.

They will have seen the ballot stuffing - both physical and electronic; the superficial recounts; the shredded ballots; the ballots found in the waste bin, dumpsters, hedge bottoms, rivers etc.

If you pick just one irregularity out of all of them, unverified mail-in ballots, that could change the entire outcome of the election. If the vote tabulation machined had not lied that could change the entire outcome of the election.

The US is the highest tech banana republic in the world.


The issues are far bigger than elections. It is ineffective government of Partisanship. Election of a mentally unstable person as President is part of it.  Followers willing to appease him in light of a mass of people who latch onto conspiracy theories. The power of money (over $200 million contributed to Trump AFTER the election). The massive skew of wealth. The actions occurring today were quite predictable. People seem to purposely forget that Trump claimed election fraud after he won in 2016. His investigation found none. He lives for lawsuits to "win at all costs" and never lives up to contracts he signs. There are certainly isolated cases in voting irregularity when discussing 50 different State procedures and 150 million votes. The USA is broken in many ways. The election just displays a piece of it. 
The only banana is Trump, and if he steals the election, the USA is basically crumbled. So far, he has been ineffective in doing that, but he thrives in chaos and is creating that.


Biden already admitted it was the largest voter fraud program in US History.  These people have no shame.


No, the election process is okay. It's the Banana Republicans who are undemocratic traitors.


Thanks to democrats. Yes.

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