My mom has no respect for my boyfriend? ?

During thanksgiving dinner she called him fat. I was so embarrassed. I felt bad for my boyfriend. Later on my boyfriend told me she has no respect for him. I don’t know what to say other than to apologize. She’s constantly telling me that he has no education because he wears ripped pants. And that how can someone like him come and try to present himself to try and date me. I’m over this situation. I’m frustrated but it seems like I’m a bad daughter considering her because I’m with him. I recently changed my fb picture to one where I’m with my boyfriend. And since she’s in the messenger group she saw. And told me to take it off and if I didn’t she was going to take me off the group. She’s come to that point. I’m 28 and my bf is 35. I don’t get it. 


My boyfriend has never disrespected them whatsoever! Ever since I brought him she started giving me a hard time about Him. 

T J2020-12-08T00:09:36Z

Ignore your ignorant mother. Keep a distance from her. She is toxic.


Mom seems a bit blunt and that can definitely come off as rude. But as you tell us absolutely nothing about this guy it's hard to know if her assessment of him is correct. 


Sad situation, but what's your question?

Coach Simon2020-12-07T23:13:05Z

He's 35 and wearing ripped pants like a teenage girl?! No wonder there is little respect - he doesn't seem to have enough respect for you to look presentable. Respect tends to be earned and it starts with self respect.


No I don't get it either. She might have a bit of a point about him wearing ripped pants to meet your parents but that's no reason to completely trash him. If you don't live with your mom I think you need not take your boyfriend to any functions your Mom is at or hosts. And you surely don't need her on your FB page. If she complains about you not bringing him around remind her of what she has said about him.

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