So do democrats care about freedom of speech? If so then why is it okay to ban people from Twitter ?


The same reason it is “ok”  to ban people from this forum. The first amendment does not mean private corporations have to give you a soapbox to rant from. Only the government can violate your 1st amendment rights.

Mike L2020-12-17T15:48:26Z

Private company, private rules. 


Freedom of speech means the government can't censor your speech.  Private companies can censor anything they want.  When you sign up, you agree to terms of use.  If you violate those terms, they can delete what you posted of kick you off.  Pretty simple concept. 


Why does Yahoo offer users a block button? Or your phone is allowed to block numbers! That’s not freedom! Listen to me, godammit!!!

Somebody? Anybody???


You have no freedom of speech on Twitter.

Please read the First Amendment of the Constitution.