How can trump win the election  without Relying on pence to reject the electoral votes?

What's an alternative way


What's up military tribunals I guess it's the end of the USA


If SCOTUS would stop with the "it's not my job" attitude, it could have been settled, already.

Tribunals wouldn't "be the end of the USA". A tribunal would be a necessary tool to go after the corrupt elected officials. As it stands, they have immunity under the Constitution, and that's why they've been so entrenched in their crimes with so much arrogance and transparency about it in recent decades.

A tribunal revokes their Constitutional rights so they no longer have immunity. They've been counting on winning this election to maintain that immunity. This is one of the reasons they've been going after Trump the way they have.

Treason is a national security issue and the charge carries over into the military sphere of justice.

I hope the 2018 Executive Order is applied to its fullest and puts everyone involved in the election fraud out of business - including social media that acted as a misinformation platform and even state officials that participated.

INCLUDING the Biden crime family that has been working so closely with China to overthrow this government.


trump lost and no amount of wishful thinking will change that however, observing the wishful thinking is entertaining


why do you want trump so bad ? have you not noticed he is an ignorant baffoon ?


I really don't know,  but he still plans on at least one more go at the SCOTUS.  If that falls flat, then it's over.


He could move to a deserted island and bring a few of his proud boys with him. Ut-oh - what if one of them gets the conch?

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