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How can trump win the election  without Relying on pence to reject the electoral votes?

What's an alternative way


What's up military tribunals I guess it's the end of the USA

11 Answers

  • 4 months ago

    Trump can't win an election that's already been settled. His loss has been confirmed over and over again. All he can do now is twiddle his thumbs and watch Melania spend his money on new furnishings.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    If SCOTUS would stop with the "it's not my job" attitude, it could have been settled, already.

    Tribunals wouldn't "be the end of the USA". A tribunal would be a necessary tool to go after the corrupt elected officials. As it stands, they have immunity under the Constitution, and that's why they've been so entrenched in their crimes with so much arrogance and transparency about it in recent decades.

    A tribunal revokes their Constitutional rights so they no longer have immunity. They've been counting on winning this election to maintain that immunity. This is one of the reasons they've been going after Trump the way they have.

    Treason is a national security issue and the charge carries over into the military sphere of justice.

    I hope the 2018 Executive Order is applied to its fullest and puts everyone involved in the election fraud out of business - including social media that acted as a misinformation platform and even state officials that participated.

    INCLUDING the Biden crime family that has been working so closely with China to overthrow this government.

  • Tmess2
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Military tribunals would be the end of the U.S.A.  

    The only time that military tribunals have been used against U.S. citizen were in areas that rebelled against the legitimately elected government and there were no civilian governments loyal to the United States.  Currently, you have a disagreement about the results of the election.  The civil authorities in those states are following the law as to the proper way to resolve that disagreement -- the votes are counted and any challenges to whether a vote should be counted are heard by the courts.  So there is no legal justification for martial law or military tribunals, and the joint chiefs will not forward any unlawful orders to displace legitimate civilian governments. 

    Pence has zero authority to reject the electoral votes.  The Constitution and federal statute requires him to open the electoral votes as submitted by the state governments.  It is then up to Congress to address any dispute about those votes if a proper challenge is raised.  Right now, the Senate Republican caucus is trying to prevent any challenge from being raised because they realize that they do not have the votes in either house to prevail and they do not want to have to take a position on what they view as a meritless challenge.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    trump lost and no amount of wishful thinking will change that however, observing the wishful thinking is entertaining

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  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    why do you want trump so bad ? have you not noticed he is an ignorant baffoon ?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    I really don't know,  but he still plans on at least one more go at the SCOTUS.  If that falls flat, then it's over.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Well except for trolls trying to sound intelligent and failing or a Trump supporter showing their lack of intellectual ability the facts are that Biden won, there was no major fraud (the Republican attempts failed), and the electoral college has spoken.  Other than Sydney still promoting her baseless conspiracy theories the facts are that on Jan 20, 20201 Biden will become President based on the results of the election and in winning the majority of the electoral college votes in, according to Trump, a landslide.

    If you want evidence of voter fraud you can always look at the claim made by Trump supporters that voting machines flipped 941,000 votes from Trump to Biden.  Their claim let slip a Republican attempt at voter fraud since there were approximately 1.3 million votes cast in this region of which Trump received 676,000 (he won in this region).  If the machines "flipped" 941,000 votes to Biden then Trump should have received just over 1.6 million or 300,000 more votes than voters.  At least we know one of two things, Republicans can't count or they admitted a ludicrous attempt on their behalf at voter fraud.

  • 4 months ago

    You win the election by getting votes.  Trump lost. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    He could move to a deserted island and bring a few of his proud boys with him. Ut-oh - what if one of them gets the conch?

  • 4 months ago

    The people on the Left never seem to be able to respect legal vs. illegal things. The president of the United States has that power and authority to do what the Lt. General said. It's not the end of America to do them for the right reason. Why is the Left such bad judges that they cannot understand such plain and simple things?

    [TREASON] Retired LT General Calls For Martial Law

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