Will this election result in states succeeding and possible civil war?


No.   There is no provision to a state succeeding from the USA.   That was proved in the Civil War.   What we COULD see is the states calling for a Constitutional Convention so they can change the Constitution and put more restrictions on what a president can do.   They could vote for a balanced budget amendment.  They could vote for term limits.  They could do a lot to get Washington under control.  AND they could put in an amendment that states can pull out of the union.   THEN they could pull out. 


No chance at all, that you would ask it just shows how stupid you are.


probably not, it may result in a bunch of hillbillies with ARs being gunned down by the US Military though

Little Ms Sunshine2020-12-24T20:13:13Z

Do you mean secede? I think there's only two that actually can do that, because they were countries before they were states - Texas and California


Not if Biden admits defeat...it really is that simple...

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