Why are American's so stupid about COVID-19?

Where I work, we are being offered (voluntary) one of the first two vaccines to receive emergency use authorization in the United States.  A co-worker in my section was asked to add us all to the spreadsheet used to track who will take it and who won't.  After the spreadsheet was filled out, I discovered to my amazement (and horror) that I was the only person among 8 in my section who volunteered to get vaccinated.

I asked a few people I work with, why they are NOT getting vaccinated. 
1)  My boss said, "the virus is a hoax".  (I wish I'd made that up)
2)  My first co-worker I asked said, "My wife is a nurse and she advised me not to get vaccinated."  I asked him for more details, and he went on to explain...since they don't have a vaccine for CHILDREN yet, the adults in his family are waiting for a vaccination that the whole family can take.
3)  Second co-worker I asked said "They are experimental vaccines, and not approved by the U.S. FDA"

Holy Crap. 

1)  I can't comment on "hoax" bit, as it's too stupid to make an effort...
2)  A NURSE doesn't understand the concept of community immunity?????????
3)  Because I've lived overseas for many years, I am fully aware that many of the best medicines in the world are not U.S. FDA approved...and they never will be.  This first came to my attention when I ran out of my anti-depressant (used for migraine prevention) and my Asian doctor laughed at my U.S. prescription, calling it obsolete by decades... (but it was FDA approved!!!)

ANDRE L2020-12-27T04:06:18Z

Favorite Answer

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov

 “The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.” ― George Carlin

The Truthseeker2020-12-27T04:56:13Z

They were giving you excuses about why not to take. You made the right call. As to the nurse she will be out of a job as soon as she refuses. 


It will be necessary for Biden's administration to put together an ad campaign to correct all this nonsense, and also to get community leaders, pastors, mayors, pro athletes, etc. to make ads and/or to show up in communities to talk to people.  Having Biden, his wife, Dr. Fauci, Mike Pence and other famous people take the shots in public is also a good idea.  But it will take a while.