Who wants to tell the Ussa gov to...?

Who wants to tell the fubar ussa gov to shove that $600 up their liberal ****? It's an insult. I H8 our government now. But no $$ to leave.


Where would you go? Panama is a great place. But, you have to show an income. Same in most countries (unless you're from South of the border).
You must realize that voting Democrat hasn't helped. It just gets worse. Why'd Pelosi say  "Let's Do It" & send the same bill back to Trump? She's the one responsible for shutting down the government, not Trump. But, we all believe lies.

The First Dragon2020-12-28T13:07:20Z

I think Congress made a big mistake snatching the $2000 stimulus away from the people on Christmas Eve.
Their boondoggling spending of trillions on their pet projects, while depriving citizen voters, is classic socialism.


That poison pill of a bill was designed to link commie pork, decrimination and hatred to America's need for pandemic help so that you couldn't have one without the other.  Typical Democrat trick.  No matter what Trump did he was going to get lambasted but what's really obvious is that if he didn't sign, the left was going to bash him for denying help to the American people and now that he's signed, the left will bash him for not fighting for bigger individual payments to the American people.


Those darn Liberals. They didn't want ANY stimulus until the republicans forced them to do it. McConnell said he wanted to give every American at least $2,000.00 but Pelosy said NO, right?


The insult was approving $600 then snatching it away at the last moment with a promise of $2,000 that will never come.