Can I die from an infected ingrown toenail? ?

I’ve had redness around my toenail for a couple weeks, but now it’s swollen and tender to touch. I’ve soaked it in warm water and put antibiotic cream on it. I’m a bit of a hypochondriac and I worry this could be bad for me. Here’s a photo of it, is this dangerous? 


EDIT: I’m 19 and I have no health problems


Yes you can die of a untreated ingrown toenail.  It can lead to sepsis or you could simply loose a toe by having it turn necrotic.  It does not look bad from the pic, I have seem much much worse in my Patients. Your toenail was probably too long(which can cause ingrown toenails btw) and was the cause(given looking at the length of the rest of your piggies).  Go make a appointment with a general practitioner or podiatrist.  There are free clinics around that can treat you if you are low income.


Read up on gout. The big toe is one of the symptoms. Looks like to me you have an ingrown toenail because I can see a little pus on the right side. Try cutting out salt & shellfish for a while & see what happens. mo. Rkl.


no you won't...............


It can cause other health problems for sure, the best thing to do would be to see a doctor and get it treated before it turns into something more and you regret not getting it checked out sooner. 


Sure if it gets infected. Why don’t you see a doctor to see if anything can be done. 

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