What the point of all this ? we drudge on the everyday rat race 9 to 5 for pennies , live the same dismal existence , the same dull activities no excitement , then drag our self's home exhausted & do the same thing the very next day , where's the inner peace the higher consciousness the enlightenment where's God ?
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yea definitely the Buddha was the man, and he is right and he hasnt stopped being right and people havnt stopped being morons about their lives ie unwise in what they chase after, you seem to be one of the people that have common sense when it comes to life
(Ecclesiastes 12:13) "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man." These words highlight an important reason to fear God and obey him. Doing so is our obligation, our duty. Jehovah is our Creator, so we owe our very life to him. (Psalm 36:9) We also owe him our obedience. When we live as he wants us to live, we are fulfilling our obligation. The purpose of life put simply, is this: We are here to do God’s will. There is no better way to fill your life with meaning. Millions who are doing God's will can attest to this.
If you're able, find a more copacetic vocation? Try to learn and develop with Maslow's insight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs
Save for your retirement, plan to be able to meditate more then.
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