Why would you have to impeach the POTUS if only ten days are left in his administration, unless obviously fraud is currently being exposed?

Obviously the people that want to do this are way in over their head in big time government fraud and are scared to death of what is going to be revealed and has been revealed. There is no other sensible, realistic reason why you would have to do this. ALL of the USA and world seen the obvious fraud, the recent and current censorship covering up their fraud and trying to silence 'We The People" Don't believe that? Watch this question disappear.


Mr. Sceptic: Do YOU really believe that? Over a million people showed up in Washington and were expected and all of a sudden NO maximum security at the worlds most powerful capitol? Yeah right! Don't YOU think this is quite odd and obviously set up, especially considering all kinds of videos are available with ANTIFA dressed in Trump supporter clothes and carrying American Flags? NO ONE JUST WALKS IN TO THE US CAPITOL UNLESS IT WAS PLANNED TO SMEAR TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS. IMPOSSIBLE.


Anonymous: Very true. But obviously, this is being done as along as stated above to complete a coup to NOT expose the callers of these actions high treasonous crimes. 


Anonymous: Thugs? Are YOU blind? You didn't see the "peaceful protests" of Antifa and BLM with the city burning in the background? Where dhave you seen ANY peaceful protests of Trump supporters causing ANY trouble unless ANTIFA and BLM show up?  Are YOU that naive and stupid to not SEE what is really going on? Come on, get with it!


hungryjoe. YOU need to read the US Constitution, and don't tell me you have. because if YOU would have, YOU would be able to point out the House Democrats obvious and blatant violations of the US Constitution and US Constitution impeachment procedure in the first obvious impeachment sham. Don't ignorantly say" there wasn't any" because this would clearly prove YOU indeed don't have ANY clue of what is in the US Constitution. This impeachment talk is another sham impeachment by the deep state.


Scottie Dozzinali: Why? Because you are to STUPID to realize what is actually going on and are incapable of using your head? Wake Up!


Neptune2bsure: You are the perfect example of people clearly not knowing how to think on your own or able to SEE out of your own eyeballs.. YOU can't SEE the fraud? You can't SEE the corruption in the courts covering up this obvious fraud? You have to be a dumb SOB and a clear reflection of goof ball Biden proven every time he opens his criminal mouth NOT to see ALL this massive FRAUD committed right in front of your own eyeballs. How can YOU be this STUPID and IGNORANT?


Anonymous: No, not acceptable! There was MAJOR high treason committed here and is continuing this minute. Criminals want to be installed back into the Oval Office and with the recent and ongoing current events this treason continues. This is not acceptable in any way or Constitutional form. I trust Trump and what he plans to do and it is certainly the right thing to save this Union from career and established career politician criminals. This has to happen now, not in 4 years. 4 years is to late


they know Trump commited Fraud and attempted to overturn the election 60 times through the courts, they know all this, and the reason he will be impeached again is because he must never hold a public office again.  He will have to face justice once he is just a citizen.


They should do it to prevent him running again
No because I prefer democracy


A corollary of conviction would be that the person would be forbidden from ever again holding public office. It also has historical merit, given that it will be in all the history books.


Because he’s allegedly committed a criminal act of inciting an attack on Congress.
What message does it send to other politicians if he can incite crime and violence with no consequences?

Scorpio - not even Trump is deluded enough to come up with the lie that those in Capitol were Antifa.
So, you are making up lies, to justify a terrorist attack on Congress, incited by Donald Trump, which left four of the terrorists and a serving police officer dead.
You’d rather endorse terrorism than face reality.


The wannabe tin pot dicktaker is a clear and present danger to all of Murika even those bible fundamentalists to fuckedup to realize.

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