Can you "Impeach" a President who is no longer in office? ?

The Truthseeker2021-01-20T00:24:10Z

Yes, officials have been previously indicted who left office under the same constitutional provision. So, it can be done because it has precedent. Additionally, you cannnot get to disqualification, without first convicting. You can be certain there will be objections, but there is no stopping it now.  


As I keep explaining to people: impeachment is just the bringing of charges. That's already happened.

Yet to come is the Senate trial, and yes, Trump can be tried by the Senate after he leaves office for actions he took as president.

There isn't a lot of point, frankly, but certainly it can be done.  In my view, the Senate shouldn't bother with a trial. It should just vote to bar him from public office, for which it needs only a simple majority rather than the 2/3 majority a conviction in a  trial would require.  Such a vote would be less certain than conviction (which could also bar him from public office), and he might well challenge it in court, but he's facing so MANY legal actions that he also might not bother.


he was in office when he was impeached, so your question is moot 




i would hope so but anything is possible

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