Biden has done more for this country in 48 hours than traitor Dump did in 4 years. How does that make you RepubliCON thugs feel?


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Biden has undone much of the harm Trump did in four years, but he still has further to go to undo it all.. 
You'll never get Trump supporters to admit that.
In their twisted minds they see themselves and Trump as America's saviors, rather than what they really are, destroyers of America.  They destroy democracy in favor or fascism. 


They are angry that Trump-a-dump didn't restore slavery or bring about hte Rapture!

Pearl L2021-01-23T04:36:57Z

i think its good but its still not nice to call trump names like that


Lol what a crock of baloney.
Trump 2024!


Lmao!  Such as???

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