Which political party is the only party which armed citizens against the KKK?


Favorite Answer

How dare you bring facts into the Left wing KKK paranoia.
KKK is the Liberals Boogey Man. Liberals deflect their sins on others. KKK was Designed by Democrats, supported by Democrats and continued to be run by Democrats.


History is fun. I can't stand all those Rich liberal KKK people. I heard that Ellen DeGeneres was found kicking her own *** for being gay the other day! And now Denzel Washington wants to hang himself for being black! Hitler was definitely some hippie *** liberal also!


the republican party - the KKK had many, many demokkkraptic leaders as members.


Which party do the KKK support today?


The Republicans founded the NRA for ARMED civilian defense training - against HOOD wearing Democrats. AFTER - the poor loser party...put on the hoods.