Can a tricycle help a kid with knock knees?

Would riding a trike help correct knock knees for a 3 year old?

Country GIRL2021-02-02T02:56:05Z

THIS CONDITION CAN AND USUALLY CORRECTS ITSELF BY THE AGE OF 9 OR SO DEPENDING ON THE CHILD. If persists after a few yrs past 9 surgery may be required.
Riding a trike will help strenghting the legs and knee area but little to straighten the legs.

Jimmy C2021-01-26T19:13:48Z

He or she needs a medical opinion to determine what is wrong. It could be a deformity that can be corrected by surgery. It could be lack of vitamins, especially D, causing weak bones. 
I would recommend balance exercises on a simple balance board to encourage correct posture. It would take too long to explain that one here. 
See a specialist though.