Why does partner fault literally everything I do?

Whatever I do or say, it seems like my partner of 7 years has just gotten to the point where whatever i say or do, I do it wrong.. or she has to put her 2 cents in as to how to do it.. It's driving me crazy. I have told her but nothing changes, I feel disrespected. I love her, but it's an issue that frustrates me and causes problems.
How can I fix it, or any advice to give me?

T J2021-01-28T11:51:01Z

Time to leave your partner, if you care to be happy. It will not get better. Pack your things and move out.

♠ Merlin ♠2021-01-28T11:34:17Z

"I have told her but nothing changes, I feel disrespected."

So, either, you are not communicating your feels effectively, or, she just doesn't respect or care that she is making you unhappy.
Which is it?

Are you saying the same thing, the same way over and over and expecting a different outcome? That is the definition of insanity. 
If you are saying it in a different way each time but still achieving nothing, you know she just doesnt care and it's time to walk away.

"Don't Cling to a Mistake Just Because You Spent a lot of Time Making it.” — Aubrey De Graf.

Andrew Smith2021-01-28T11:11:04Z

I wonder how you treat her knowledge and experience.  Whether this is a one way or a two way issue.   Sometimes my wife tries to tell me how to do something that I am highly competent in.  So I make a bit of a joke out of it.  To lightly remind her that in this issue I know what I am doing.


You haven't made your point to her effectively. Ramp it up. Tell her to STFU. Sometimes mouthy women need a wake up call.