Is Nancy Pelosi telling everyone to go to Chinatown maskless to celebrate Chinese New Year just like she did last year?


Looks like we triggered a few libs with this question. lol


skeptik why do you have to expose your ignorance? Just say nothing. lol


No, she's not.  But this comment, which you mean as a rebuke of Pelosi, actually proves her point. 

First off, when Pelosi made that comment it was not known that masks prevented covid, nor how contagious it was.  So your mask comment is pointless.  (It's also the case that many Republicans continue to resist mask wearing).

Second, you prove her point about harmful xenophobia.  The virus isn't particular to Chinese people.  In fact, Chinatown has had significantly lower covid infection rates than San Francisco and the rest of the Bay Area.  The reason you find it stupid for her to say that has to do with racism, and the association of China, with Chinese Americans.  It's this kind of racism which helped the virus spread, by convincing people that they had nothing to fear, and causing Trump administration policy makers to bet all their chips on a set of travel restrictions for China while ignoring other sources of the virus (such as Europe, which contributed the early, devastating New York outbreak)


It seems you misunderstood what happened.



Just like she didn't last year.

Re: your update - 
Once again, she did not tell anyone to "go maskless".  And the Chinese New Year occurred nearly a full month before her famous visit to Chinatown.

Speaking of "exposing your ignorance."

You should really consider taking your own advice.


That celebration is usually done outside. 200 years since the first one was celebrated in the USA.


Why are you suddenly concerned about a mild flu or hoax?

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