I thought covid was supposed to be a "liberal hoax" that would go away immediately when Biden was inaugurated. So why are more people dying?

Can the hypocrisy and stupidity of the RepubliCONS be any clearer?


Rather than go line by line debunking all the crap Trump came up with, it's just easier for me to say, "Trump is full of crap"

Angus McAssholerson2021-02-02T22:32:07Z

Almost no one is dying dvmbass. Infections don’t equal death, and 99% of people survive with no issue.

Elwood Blues2021-02-02T22:31:26Z

“That’s all I hear about now. Turn on television, ‘Covid, Covid, Covid Covid Covid.’ A plane goes down, 500 people dead, they don’t talk about it. ‘Covid Covid Covid Covid.’ By the way, on November 4, you won’t hear about it anymore,” Trump said on Oct 24.  Could he be any more wrong???


It's called the Second Wave of the pandemic
A hundred years ago the Spanish Flu had three waves

Mao Bidden2021-02-02T22:29:43Z

Apparently the voices you have been imagining have lied to you.

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