Is it morally wrong not to share food you bought with a family member?

My mother has a habit of berating me whenever I buy something for myself and don't share (she even called me fat for it today). Funny thing is, she absolutely NEVER shares, ever. She seems to think she's completely exempt from this moral dilemma. So what are your thoughts. You have a craving for something, you run to the store, spend your own money on it to enjoy it. Is it wrong to not go seeking someone out to give them a portion? 


No, it's your food, not hers.


kind of, i would just move out if you dont want to do that

T J2021-02-03T12:20:00Z

Eat it outside of the home.


If someone sees you eating it, they might ask for some. If you say No, then if they have something you would like, they will say No. The solution is for no one to know you have it.

Pearl L2021-02-03T04:09:21Z

i would share it, maybe she'll share with you someday