What can patriotic Americans do to silence right-wing extremist radio talk shows - - like Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, ALL of them?


What's the matter?  Does Levin use words you can't understand?! He makes very good points when speaking about current affairs.


Easy, turn it off or change the channel. You can't be so arrogant to think your viewpoint supercedes everyone else's right to speak freely. 


Silencing the exercise of free speech is only patriotic if you're Chinese or Russian. 
In the United States, we have always understood how important free speech is. It's all those free RESPONSES to the ugly free speech that protects us from the latter. 


Patriotic for what, advocating the corporatist party?  You're not even a good communist.  The Democrats only care about the elites.  The Democrats support monopolies with CEOs that will push their social agenda and advance their corruption.  Conservatives should advocate taking you off the air and all corporate Democrat networks for pushing silver as a currency for screwing over the average person in favor of hedge funds.


Don't buy from their sponsors and let those sponsors know why

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