What did trump lie about?



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The Washington Post (among other sources) kept track of the trump BS and lies by fact checking. The list is too long to itemize. I heard him say Mexico would pay for his wall. I knew that was a crock because he never explained how. He used it to fire up feeble minded people at rallies.


Is Coronavirus still in America. 45 said it would be passed by April 2020.




Is covid-19 still in America. 45 said it would be gone by April 2020.


@ Mercy - if you use CNN as your fact source, you have more problems than anyone who claims Trump lied.

Look up the word "denial" and then grab a crying towel.

@ (yet another) 'anonymous' who doesn't have the guts to post under his own account - If that's the extent of your proof, you too, are in real trouble where the truth is concerned.

In the first place, there are the hundreds of thousands of intentional misdiagnoses of "COVID" that are either "falls positives" or another issue with flu-like symptoms that are automatically included in the COVID figures to keep the numbers elevated to a fake level to justify maintaining the fake pandemic.

Also, Trump has numerous times came out and said that it was COVID - so that pretty much makes you a troll without a shred of credibility.

And people wonder why those who post as 'anonymous' are never taken seriously...

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