Where can I rent or borrow a set of stocks or pillories?

Hey I'm a photographer and I am looking for a set of wooden stocks, the kind you might see back in medieval times or the rennaisance fair, to use as a prop for a shoot I want to do in the near future.  Does anyone know of a theater or prop rental company in MD, VA or DC that would have something like that?  


Have you tried the stock market?


Contact the producers of the renaissance fair, if they don't have them they should know who does.


Contact local councils and ask if there are stocks still in their town. Some towns have preserved them and have them in museums but some still have them erected exactly where they were originally.  I doubt that any local authority would actually let anyone borrow them.  I think the best you are likely to get would be to go to the stocks for the photoshoot rather than hope to be able to bring the stocks to a studio. Your only other option would be to make some yourself after studying different photographs of them.