Why are liberals always so concerned about what other people have?

Saint Karma2021-02-05T06:25:23Z

Okay people misunderstand the communism vs capitalism debate. Especially amongst these liberals.
Its like in high school or middle school there are different social cliques/groups. Essentially you observe these  people  generally vote Democrat right.Well what they are doing is looking for a certain type of person, perhaps they have a bad childhood, perhaps they don't fit in. This can happen even in university or some honors of AP classes in high school . They scapegoat them as "capitalist supporter" even though they probably don't have a lot of money and ironically some of these "young liberals" have A LOT MORE MONEY, own houses, and even own stock. (well in high school the students probably don't own houses). So anyone who hates capitalism, don't believe them. They're kinda lying, they really just hate a certain type of person. 

You don't see these people giving away money to charity or homeless people don't you, no some of these liberals have a lot of money. Some are even millionaires.


Weird ain't it. It's almost as bad as your obsession with liberals.


The thang with our "liberal" friends is that they just...CARE...so damm much, and about everthang, too!!!  lol
Among the 1,329 dirty little secrets that crowd has is the fact that they flat LOVE to live well. And they do. So, being the guilty white "liberals" they are, they FEEL that everyone else should live just as well as they do. Weird, I know, and just a bit sad.

Christian Sinner2021-02-05T03:28:31Z

They just want to burn it all down. At least that's what ANTIFA and BLM want to do. Just burn it all down. 


Idolatry, pure evil; in layman's terms. 

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