Why doesn't Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett have any proof at all of what she claims happened at the Capitol? She's of the generation that has ?

their smartphone on 24/7 and glued to their body. So why wasn't she recording or taking pictures? This is the generation that takes a picture of their dinner and sends it to friends. lol


Didn't take long for anon libs to make fools of themselves. lol She had to admit she wasn't there because another rep 2 doors down from her exposed her lie. lol


LOL look at he unhinged libs parroting CNN lies.

Pearl L2021-02-06T04:57:38Z

maybe she was afraid to use it then


maybe she was afraid to do that


Victims don't need proof, if criminals are too stupid to realize they are being filmed.
Trumptards proved they are domestic terrorists. I'm sure glad they don't wear masks, that makes it so much easier for their friends and families to turn them in.  


Mighty strange isn't it.


AOC records EVERYTHING on her phone. No doubt she recorded something as significant as the “White Supremacist Insurrection”. Right? I’m sure she’ll have it posted online soon enough.

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