How would the native people of Coastal Siberia,the Rus-Sino border & the Ainu of Frontier Japan have reacted to Columbus' crew?

I do know that the general opinion of the civilized areas of Asia (China, Korea, settled Japan & Indonesia) was of course enormous scorn & xenophobia, if not violence, and the only people who would have been in any way shape or form "Happy" to see them were the Cannibals of Wild Indonesia,,,,,,, And Magellan (Columbus 2.0 for this discussion) of course ran into all of the above in the Phillipines,,,,,,


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I usually steer clear of the "can you read minds" questions because the answers are opinions subject to judgment by others as the answer is unknowable. I read history for the facts. I get entertained by people disputing my facts.


Columbus was killed in the Philippines in trying to covert the natives to Christ by the Catholic doctrine ....his crew was in row boats and did not try to save him and the Catholic Church he started there is still going strong today......