why does newsmax and fox have a comment section but yahoo doesn't?


some people don't like free speach

a sane person in an insane world2021-02-09T02:07:01Z

Because Yahoo wants to prevent public conversation on topics.  They do not like the fact that many of their articles and their 'censor rules' are biased and used to push their agenda and prevent opposing opinions.


Verizon Media disabled ALL commenting on the Yahoo.com platform over 7 months ago is why. Verizon has owned Yahoo for 4 YEARS. Very little of Yahoo is left. Verizon is publicly owned, but what Verizon and Yahoo decide to do or not do with respect to comments on either news articles or YA answers is up to them and their legal consultants.


Yahoo/Verizon Media chooses not to, as do some other news outlets. The comments on Yahoo were badly abused and added nothing useful to the articles anyway, for the most part (just people yelling "Fake news" or insulting one another).
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