What causes a guy to *** multiple times?

I’m currently with a guy who will *** multiple times within the same round of sex. I’m curious why this is because I’ve never had a guy do this




That means he probably hasn’t had sex in a while maybe a few days to a week or more. The longer you haven’t had sex the more times you will *** because you’re finally getting all of your “nut” out lol. But if he is somehow able to *** that many times and is having sex daily then idk maybe he has a condition. Because you should only *** once or maybe twice when having sex. 


Maybe he considers you the ultimate hot connection. I'd consider that as a real compliment.


What CAUSES it? Are you looking for a medical explanation?

Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc2021-02-11T00:03:27Z

Some guys can.  It's just one of those little quirks.
