Is anyone surprised that the impeachment strategy for democrats is to play to emotions while Republicans appeal to logic?


blueninja still exposing your ignorance and emotional weakness.


Truthseeker-you should have paid better attention in English class.


Look at troi, can't control the emotions? rofl. Still only listen to CNN lies?

Pearl L2021-02-11T02:57:37Z

Favorite Answer

i dont think it surprises anyone


Who are you to talk about logic? You are so painfully stupid that you cannot even see how painfully stupid you are! You sound like a sad silly snowflake! You rely upon emotions quite a bit too but you are too stupid to see that. I feel sorry for the people to have to deal with you in life. I imagine though that you probably hate yourself as much as everybody else hates you...or most likely you are just a completely unaware moron! It's pretty clear which end of your mother you came out of.


🙈🙉🙊 is not logic, dumba$$.


What happened at the Capitol was entirely Trump's fault. Whether he's convicted or not, he should stand up and apologize to the nation.


That's true, but neither logic nor emotions are 
going to solve all our problems. If we shut 
down the Federal Reserve, all our problems go away.  

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