Why do RepubliCONS believe that freedom of speech means you can say anything without consequence? ?

Freedom of speech does NOT mean freedom from consequences of your speech yet RepubliCONS believe you should be able to say whatever without any consequence no matter how racist, violent, slanderous, etc


I can say what I want. 😂 if I'm being "punished" for my beliefs that I stand by that's just fine. Democrats know freedom of speech means you do not have to answer anything you don't want to. Freedom of speech means you can say what you want knowing there will be consequence. 


That's why I love truth.

It hurts liars more.

I love when their face turn red and you see the smoke coming from their nostrils.

I like catching people in lies....always just to see that look on their face....when uncovered.... Lol


as long as you don't yell fire in a crowed space, you're allowed to say anything you want without consequence. that's because most people have a brain and know that if they followed through with violence, then there would be consequences because people would be physically hurt. you can't physically hurt people with words where you'd need medical help. (psychological help is something entirely different). THAT'S THE LAW!


They have low IQs. 

Jeff D2021-02-11T17:26:03Z

Troll effort: 1.