Were you embarrassed for the House impeachment managers today after Trump's lawyers exposed them as liars, cheats and in Swallwell's case a?

moron that doesn't know the difference between cavalry and Calvary?


Danny sounds a bit unhinged, doesn't he? rofl


The anon lib likes making an asshat of himself. lol

Jeff S2021-02-13T02:39:30Z

Nope more embarrassed for Trump's attorneys for not bothering to refute the charges!


you should be embarrassed for desperately defending trump. 

republicans still haven't learned their lesson. he incited insurrection yet the fact that people still defend him is proof that america is screwed up with a lot of cultist minded imbeciles 

if you know for a fact that he incited it, then there should be no logical reason to defend him against conviction.
that is no different than someone knowing that a man committed an act of rape, yet defending him for no logical reason 

update: yes rich, i am unhinged because i am against insurrection and violence. who with a right mind would disagree with me?? 

Rich B2021-02-13T02:34:03Z

Smartypants why expose your ignorance? 'a lot of people confuse cavalry and Calvary'. rofl Just spelling Calvary with lower case c shows you're a moron.... You sound a little upset Danny. I know things didn't go well for your liars today.

Mr. Smartypants2021-02-13T02:31:33Z

Hahahaha!  What impeachment hearings were YOU watching?
(Yeah, a lot of people confuse cavalry and calvary).