When will third stimulus check be sent out. ?

I received a letter from the irs dated February one, that stated I will receive $1800 usd within ten days of receiving. (Me as hoh with three dependents). But I read an article online that says the bill hasn’t even passed yet. What’s the deal?

Armchair Goddess #12021-02-14T05:33:19Z

Favorite Answer

There was a timeline posted tonight that sort of answers this question, Jon.  The House Budget Committee passed the relief bill out of Committee this past week, but the debate for the House vote will not be finished until the House comes back into session next week. To get the bill passed in the Senate with a simple (51) majority, it has to be divvied up so that each section is related to budget---the "Byrd Rule" that was used to get P.L.111-148 and P.L.111-152 ("Obama Care") past the McConnell (R-KY) "filibuster everything Obama" in 2009. If each part of the House-passed bill is divided into budget issues for the 50-50 Senate, then VP Kamala Harris, as Vice President, can be the deciding vote to get the stimulus through.  To be signed into law, the House and Senate bill have to MATCH EXACTLY, something Speaker Pelosi is a master at doing, and it is then sent to President Biden to be signed into law.  The estimate is that by March 1st (or the first week in March) the unemployment extension, the $1400 per person, money to help the states, and so on will be on its way.  


Get a ******** job!!!!...lol jk I’m wondering myself

STEVEN F2021-02-14T15:58:53Z

As of February 1st, Congress had not authorized a 3rd Covid relief payment.
The IRS didn't send letters to ANYONE claiming they would receive ANY of the payments.
The letter you received is fake.

Christin K2021-02-14T12:16:17Z

You got a letter for 2020, not this year. 


Shortly after it is authorized.

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