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Where is My Federal Tax Refund?

Okay, so here are the details.

1) I did my taxes in early February, it's now been 2 months and no federal refund.

2) I did however get back my state tax refund back

3) I was alerted by email from H&R Block a few days after doing my taxes that both federal and state tax refunds have been approved by the IRS

4) The numbers to call for the IRS do not work "due to overload of calls" the automated voice says goodbye on all of the numbers provided on

5) When I go to to ask digitally, it just says "refund processing"

6) I called H&R Block, one guy said with the overload of taxes and stimulus checks to expect it later than usual this year but it's very unusual to wait 2 months like this.

First question is, should I push this harder with H&R Block and insist they try to get ahold of the IRS for me since they have a hotline directly to them

Another question, is there really no number that works? No email even? I would love to speak to them directly but it seems impossible or they don't care.

My next question is, have any of you had this issue with your federal refund and waiting as long as I have for it to come via direct deposit?

Last question, should I just be patient and wait? Also, if 2 months isn't long enough when is it long enough to start worrying? I can't even call the IRS to ask anything!!

6 Answers

  • 4 hours ago

    @A Hunch

    Wow are you a self-righteous obtuse little goblin. Prepare for a reaming.

    1) I've never asked this, look at my question history, yahoo level etc. LOL.

    2) I never said they were the same, are you illiterate? English isn't even your first language it seems. I said I got my state but NOT my federal, obviously showing my knowledge that they are separate. I'm asking if anyone else is having issues with their federal refunds, derrrr. Was that hard for you to understand?

    3) What would be a reason it's still processing then? What could be the hold up? Try responding kindly instead of being a punchable, argumentative, little soy boy.

    4) I've never spoken to you before you delusional weirdo, stop being so pretentious, look at my question history, there are many "Mike's" you know? Idiot, what number did you use exactly? Oh wait, you'd rather be a garden troll than be cordial. You're going to keep assuming I've talked to you before in your response when my history will show I clearly haven't talked to you. Consider drinking bleach.

    5) I never asked anyone yet, what's your problem boy? You seem to be an internet tough guy, let's see if you're actually tough, you wanna fight?..nah? Then stfu.

    6) H&R Block does have a hotline to the IRS so they can find out things just like you said I could when you said you called them but you didn't even list a number here, I've called every number they have listed on their site, perhaps it's the time of day, or the day itself, why not just be cordial about it? Are you that autistic and socially inept? Probably. The guy I went to called the IRS for someone else just hours before he did my return, again, you just assumed way too much like a retard.

    Answer 1) I didn't say they were the same, nice straw man, dummy.

    Answer 2) You didn't tell me anything, I don't know you, I've never talked to you, if you look at my yahoo level, yahoo my score, my questions, my answers, my history, you will see we never interacted before, there are probably thousands of "Mike's" here are there not? Check the Mike you talked to and confirm we are not the same person, so shoot yourself in the dome, you are braindead already.

    Answer 3) Why was that so hard? You had to be a weirdo autist loser looking for a fight instead of just saying 8 weeks isn't that long, 16 weeks is long? Was that so hard? I've never spoken to you. So if you wanna continue slandering me like this we can meet up and squash this whenever you want internet tough guy champ.

    Please please please, consider neutering yourself so we don't get any more downs-syndrome autistic babies like you in the future, thanks.

  • Amy
    Lv 7
    5 hours ago

    Congress has been cutting the IRS budget more and more every year, with the result that they are severely understaffed to handle tax returns, let alone stimulus checks and last-second changes to the tax law. It is indeed impossible for them to answer all the phone calls.

    2 months late is long enough to worry. I've no idea whether H&R Block have a "hotline" or any authority to discuss your return with the IRS, but it's certainly worth trying. You can also try a Taxpayer Advocate office. Or try some of these numbers, ideally at 7am:

  • Eva
    Lv 7
    12 hours ago

    H&R does not have a "hot line" and it's not their job to track down your refund.  There is a practitioner priority line, but that isn't for refund calls.  The IRS does not do emails. Many people are waiting for their refunds.  The same personnel and equipment that do refunds are doing stimulus payments as well.  There's only so many hours in a day. They are also still working with a reduced staff both in the processing centers and on the phone lines due to the social distancing required by Covid regulations.

  • Scott
    Lv 7
    16 hours ago

    I've got it here somewhere...let me look around a bit.

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  • 21 hours ago

    HR block isn't going to do anything for you, not their job, nothing they can do anyway.  Yes, refund are often delayed for a boatload of reasons.  

  • 23 hours ago

    1.  That's nice.  Thanks for letting us know for the 109th time.  Have you lined up another forum to ask the same question over and over and over and over again, now that Y!A is being sunset?

    2. Your state taxes and your federal taxes are not connected in any way.  You do know this, right? If not, you should head back to high school and take the American government class again.  Or just watch some School House Rock.

    3. Your taxes being accepted has nothing to do with when you your refund is processed, as you have figured out (I hope).

    4. That is not true.  I called the IRS and spoke to a LIVE PERSON last week.  I have told you how to do it before but if you don't want to follow instructions, that's your choice.  It does not matter because the IRS Representative is NOT able to help you until your refund is over 16 weeks delayed.  That's the end of June based on your other questions.

    5. Great.  Since you know that your refund is processing, why do you continue to ask us over and over and over and over?

    6. H&R Block has no idea when you will get your tax refund. They don't work for the IRS and neither do we.  But if you continue to monitor "where's my refund?", it will eventually update.

    Do you have the mental capacity of a flea?

    Q1 = no, H&R Block is not the IRS.  They have nothing to do with your refund processing time.

    Q2 = Yes, there is IRS numbers that "works".  I have told you how to call before but I guess you can't follow basic instructions.  And yet it does not matter because it HAS NOT BEEN SIXTEEN WEEKS and the representative WILL NOT HELP YOU UNTIL IT HAS BEEN SIXTEEN WEEKS.

    Q3 = You ARE NOT having problems with your refund.  Most refunds process within 21 days but it is NOT considered late until it has been SIXTEEN WEEKS.


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