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  • Anyone Else Not Get Their Federal Tax Refund Yet?

    Has anyone else gotten their state refunds yet but not their federal refunds yet? I did my taxes in early February and got my state refunds but not my federal refunds yet. I was alerted by email that the IRS accepted by state and federal taxes but why would there be a hold-up on the federal taxes? Just all the stimulus stuff happening? 

    Does anyone have a working number they've used to contact the IRS? I tried all the numbers listed on and they all say "Due to call volumes, we can not complete your call at this time, goodbye." And yes, my tax preparers aren't responsible for contacting the IRS but they were not very helpful to contact them either. 

    Since it's been 8 weeks, should I just be more patient this year or would you give it a little more time? Again, any working IRS number you guys have used would be appreciated, thanks! :)

    2 AnswersUnited States5 hours ago
  • Where is My Federal Tax Refund?

    Okay, so here are the details.

    1) I did my taxes in early February, it's now been 2 months and no federal refund.

    2) I did however get back my state tax refund back

    3) I was alerted by email from H&R Block a few days after doing my taxes that both federal and state tax refunds have been approved by the IRS

    4) The numbers to call for the IRS do not work "due to overload of calls" the automated voice says goodbye on all of the numbers provided on

    5) When I go to to ask digitally, it just says "refund processing"

    6) I called H&R Block, one guy said with the overload of taxes and stimulus checks to expect it later than usual this year but it's very unusual to wait 2 months like this.

    First question is, should I push this harder with H&R Block and insist they try to get ahold of the IRS for me since they have a hotline directly to them

    Another question, is there really no number that works? No email even? I would love to speak to them directly but it seems impossible or they don't care.

    My next question is, have any of you had this issue with your federal refund and waiting as long as I have for it to come via direct deposit?

    Last question, should I just be patient and wait? Also, if 2 months isn't long enough when is it long enough to start worrying? I can't even call the IRS to ask anything!!

    6 AnswersUnited States1 day ago
  • I don't want my mother seeing my kids, does she have "Grandparents Rights" to visitation in Minnesota?

    I'll make this quick and concise. I am ending contact with my mother who is not medicated for bipolar and is quite crazy. I do not want her around my children, I used to have an order for protection on her since she has been violent in the past but since got rid of it because I wanted to give her another chance. But since I have cut off contact with her she has threatened this idea of trying to go through the court system to get "visitation rights"of my children and my fiancee and I do not want that. She has not been a big part in my kids lives at all and my fiancee and I are together and live together. We also live several counties away so I don't see why she has any rights if both my fiancee and I do not want her in our lives. Does she have any case against us to get "visitation" I want to know if I need legal advice on this. Below is a link to Minnesota law, can someone read through this and let me know what you think? Thanks in advance.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Question about a neighbors dog pooping in my yard.?

    Okay so this is the situation. I am from Minnesota, so I'm wondering if there are any laws prohibiting people from letting their dogs poop in people's yard. I own my property and so does the neighbors in question. I asked them once to keep their dogs out of our yard, because they poop in my yard and dig holes after a poop. I want to call the cops on them at this point because it's like a slap in my face to keep letting their dogs off a leash to just roam and poop anywhere they want. I was a dog owner and I never let my dogs poop in other people's yard and picked it up if they did. Should I call my local police station to see how to move forward? I feel like asking the neighbors this again will not stop anything. So any advice or knowledge of Minnesota law in this situation would be helpful. Thank you.

    9 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • Question about Appraisals for FHA loans?

    So I've gotten my FHA home loan, got my appraisal done, but 2 days before closing day this Friday, the loan company tells me FHA needs a 2nd appraisal on the house because they didn't know the seller had only lived there for 3 months and was just flipping the house, apparently here in Minnesota you have to say it's a flipped house or not. So they need a second appraisal and it won't be able to be appraised until the 6th and I can't close on the house until the 10th. Is this common? Should I be seeking legal help? Who was to blame for this? The seller or the loan company? Shouldn't someone be held accountable for this massive mistake? And is there a chance I don't get this house? Like if it somehow appraises less? But why would it go down lower? What are the chances I still get it? The person at the loan company seems to think it'll be fine. But I pretty much have to go through with it now because I gave 30 days notice to my landlord and I sunk in a bunch of money in fees like appraisal fee, earnest money, home inspection etc. What would you do if anything? Just roll with the punches I got dealt a bad hand here?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • What are our chances of getting a home loan or FHA? 1st time home owners. My credit score is 610, wife's is around 680+ who is co-signing?

    What are our chances of getting a home loan or FHA? I work full time and make about 2k a month, and my fiancee does part time work. With FHA loans what kind of places can you find with FHA loans? How much do they loan you with that loan? Also just what amount can we expect if we got a loan of any kind?

    (Please come back to this page if you have questions or I have questions for you).

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • Gateway laptop windows 8 not booting up?

    F8 doesn't work only F2 does and I can't figure it out how to get it off the gateway logo. Don't know what to do and don't mind erasing stuff to get my computer working

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks4 years ago
  • Gateway laptop not starting up. Help?

    My computer just started not booting up past the gateway logo at the beginning. I don t know what to do i can t afford another computer. Tapping fFeat beginning didn t work aand tapping f2 gets me to a screen where I don t know how to fix it please help

    5 AnswersSoftware4 years ago
  • Question about Property Tax Returns?

    I owned my first piece of property earlier this year and I filed tax returns for my property. The man at H&R Block told me the property taxes don t typically come until August, well after the state and government checks come. It s now August 19th and after calling the IRS and being put on hold for hours on end. I thought I d just ask you all was the H&R guy correct? If so, is my property tax return late? Do I need to get back on the phone with them and wait for hours to talk to someone? Or should I be patient?

    7 AnswersUnited States5 years ago
  • How do you find houses for rent? Or even duplexes or townhomes?

    I have checked the usually places, craigslist, zillow, renterswarehouse, but none seem to have anything we are looking for in the right price range and we need to move by May. Are there any other places I can check? Are there certain newspapers or websites that anyone knows of, kind of desperate, I don't want to live in an apartment with my wife, my newborn son and little dog. By the way this is for minnesota, and if you have any information you need from me or I have questions can you please check back here if you leave an answer, thanks.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Questions about "grandparents rights" in Minnesota?

    I am and never will be on good terms with my mother, but she is threatening to take me to court to fight to be able to see my son. My fiancée and I don t want her to be in our lives. My mom mentioned this thing called grandparents rights in this state and its making me contemplate moving out of MN. The link at the bottom is what I found for MN. My fiancée and I were not married when we had him but we will be very soon, does that give us a better chance of my mom not winning any visitation rights? Can someone who knows the law here or someone who can clarify this law here for me? Thanks. As a side note my mother can barely even take care of herself and she s convinced the state it s physical illness when we suspect it s mental.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Questions about domestic case and housing dispute lawsuit?

    My mom coerced me to take her house by quitclaim deed to care for my brother and her until she's financially stable to move on her own so I can start my family here with my pregnant fiancee. But she was hostile and harassive the whole 2 months. 3 days before we're moving out, my mom came upstairs many times at night, harassing, making threats et cetera. At five in the morning I talk to her, at the end, she punches me in the eye, I couldn't see. I called the cops, she admits it, goes to jail. I got a restraining order which barred her from the house. I was caring for my brother when she was locked up. She's disputing the domestic violence, saying I planned it to get her out (lie, we were moving, I had a rental contract for a new place). She claims she wasn't of sound mind to give the house because of Lyme when she's likely just mentally ill. That I "took advantage" of her "illegally barring her and my brother from the house" (lie, she took him out). Her old lawyer drew up the deed. She's suing me for the house, saying I have no right to sell it, which I was trying to do. I realized I couldn't afford it without my high paying job. We have emails, voicemails & videos of her harassment, of her clearly wanting to give me the house, coercing us. Some lawyers have said I have a good case when they saw the evidence. Her law firm wants me to give the house back, drop the charges & I would be given 50 percent of the equity upon sale. What do I do? This is in Hennepin county MN.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • My Mother is trying to get the title back on the house she gifted to me a few months ago. I need advice...?

    I'll try to make this as clear and brief as possible...

    First of all, my mother claims to have Lyme's disease for 8 years now, but it's more likely she has a family illness of Bipolar. Anyway, being sick is the reason she was wanting me to have her house. Long story short, when we moved here she assaulted me, threatened to take her own life and my brothers, as well as my own, but the police only arrested her for the assault. I got an order for protection, so when she got out of jail she was not allowed back in here. The title is in my name and the mortgage is not, but the title company said I have the legal rights to sell the house if I want to. My mother now says she is going to try and get the title back to the house, she is claiming she was not coherent in her decision even though this was discussed for months with me. She said this is what she wanted to her lawyer who did the whole process of switching the title over to me. I have done nothing wrong, I have not coerced the situation (which is what she is now claiming) or anything illegal. I have emails/voicemails of her convincing/coercing me to move with my pregnant girlfriend to take over the house. I need advice.

    1) Do I get a chance to fight this in court? or if she wins would I just find out at a later date that the house isn't mine anymore? what is the process?

    2) Should I get a lawyer for legal advice?

    3) Should I fight this in court if I end up losing the house to her?

    Any advice would be so helpful.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • The deed/title was gifted to me by a parent but the mortgage is still in her name. Am I legally allowed to sell the house?

    My mother recently gifted me over her house because she is too ill to take care of the house anymore, but I can not afford the high mortgage payment every month. If the mortgage is still in her name, am I allowed to sell the house? Or would I face trouble trying to sell it? Or would we both have to agree to sell the house? I heard there can be tax penalties for selling a gifted house, but I can not wait years to sell the house and she isn't the biggest fan of selling the house either. Any advice would be great, who to contact, like a title company I can call or a lawyer who's not going to break the bank giving me legal advice. This is in Minnesota, Hennepin county.

    13 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Who do I call to see if a property has been switched over to me from a parent Gifting a property to me?

    My mom is really sick, so she is kind of vague about this, but she said to call the Hennepin County Courthouse, but all that comes up is the Hennepin County District Judge, is that the correct number to call? if so who do I ask to talk to or do I just ask about the deed status etc? It's been about a month since she went through with the Gifting of the House, or so she says but nothing has come in the mail yet. Who do I call and will they be able to tell me if the house has been transferred to me?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • How long does it take to transfer the deed on a gifted house?

    My mother recently got sick and is leaving me with her house, she decided to gift the house but the process seems to be taking forever, it's been 2 weeks since she filed it with her attorney but still no word from her on the progress. I'm just wondering how long this is suppose to take or if she even did this gifting at all.

    10 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Questions About Youtube Accounts?

    1) I have a main username and 2 other usernames under one email. How do I erase the usernames I don't want that I don't use that are under the same email?

    2) And also, why can I not sign onto google hangouts with any other username than my first or main username? One username I use for making videos and the other username I want to use for doing google hangouts.

    3) Is it possible to separate my usernames into separate youtube accounts? So if I want my google hangout channel separate from my regular channel, is it possible to do that?

    4) Is it possible to switch my main username to one of my side usernames that I don't know how to erase?

    2 AnswersYouTube6 years ago
  • I have too many youtube channels under one email. How do I get rid of the extra youtube channels?

    So I have one name that I use and a bunch of extra names I either made by accident or don t want to use. What is the step by step process on how to trim the fat?

    1 AnswerYouTube6 years ago