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confusion about stimulus check?

ok, first they're saying that they've given everyone (people that work, file taxes, on disability) $1400, BUT social security recipients are only getting $600. so why the confusion?

2 Answers

  • 4 hours ago

    Why would there be an additional bonus payment for people who aren't facing a loss of income due to covid, because they had no income to begin with? If a family earns $10k a month and has $8k a month in expenses, they are in serious trouble without being allowed to work due to covid. Those families still have to pay their bills, they pay their taxes, they should receive stimulus cheques to help them come up with the money they've lost on earnings. 

    If a different family has, for whatever reason, not been working and collecting welfare to begin with, they aren't facing any financial loss from not being allowed to go to their jobs due to covid - they weren't working before covid either! There are no changes to their income or ability to pay bills. 

  • 9 hours ago

    Whoever told you that SS recipients were only getting $600 is incorrect.

    Stimulus #1 = March 2020 = $600

    Stimulus #2 = December 2020 = $1200

    Stimulus #3 = March 2021 = $1400.

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