Boyfriend followed this Russian girl on TikTok? ?

I noticed she started following him and he didn’t follow her this morning, but I checked back and he follows her now. 😑 wtf! I don’t think that’s ok. I mean I get it’s just tik tok but she uploads videos of her dancing sexy and she follows a ton of men. 🤦🏼‍♀️ How should I go about this to him? 


First ask yourself why this bothers you. It's highly unlikely that if this person is really in Russia they're going to ever get together and cheat on you. Really think about it and if this only bothers you because of your own insecurities then it's definitely not something you want to talk to him about at all. Insecurity isn't a bit sexy and it destroys relationships. 


Do you follow men on social media as well? If you do, i dont think you should be complaining about him following a woman. Are they sexting eachother ? thats the real question


You are real and she is fake. She is just another fame digger, and your boyfriend is just another guy that follows her.


Dump the klutz as he's bored of you.