How do cons feel knowing that it is Biden who has made America great again and not their beloved god-emperor Dump?


@Chomp, Dump put it in the dumps. Obama got us out of the Great recession that that idiot Bush caused with his false wars 


Oh please Princess Pounder. You cons worship Dump like he's the second coming 


@Mike Honcho, yes he did. He's not an idiot like you and he doesn't have dementia. That's another lie from your god-emperor Dump 


@Moon Shot, the cult is all the trumptards who bow on their hands and knees worshipping him 


@anonymous coward he did more for America in his first week than your beloved god-emperor Dump did in 4 years 


@Dean, no, that's YOU


the USA has never Been Great and you Know this is a Fact


Youre the stupidest son of a ***** on here


Biden didn’t even know he’d gotten a shot. 

princess pounder2021-02-23T18:02:40Z

Im a con and think Biden is almost as much an idiot as Trump, there is only 1 beloved God.


He is putting America back in the dumps like Obama.
LOL Trump was elected because of the dissatisfaction with Obama.

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