Why can you see stars in the sky from the surface of Mars, but not the earth’s moon?

Pics and videos from the Mars rover shows a lot of stars in the sky. All the pics from moon landings have no stars in the sky. 


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We usually have pics from the moon on the 'sunny' side.
However, the moon is REALLY bright, so the exposure on the camera is turned down, hence the stars don't show up!

daniel g2021-02-25T07:02:25Z

The atmosphere is very thin on Mars, about like 70,000 feet up here on Earth. You get that high, yes, you can see the brighter stars during daylight.
As for moon images, the subject is so bright the F stop is too tiny to see stars. Some of the photos not showing Lunar surface had lots of stars. That part is all about photography.

Ronald 72021-02-24T22:37:27Z

That is because they always landed on the Day side of the Moon
Sunshine was reflected off the Lunar Surface
That is why we can see it
 In Contrast the Dark side has no Sun Shining on it
 Like we can only see Stars at night and not the Daytime, I hope that answers your Question


Different cameras, the Sun is slightly dimmer, the contrast is higher.


Earth's moon is too small to see from Mars. The earth is visible only as a dot.

or is your question actually: "Why can you see stars in the sky from the surface of Mars, but not FROM the surface of the earth’s moon?"

but you can, stars are very visible from the moon. Photos of the moon landings are in bright sunlight.

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