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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsAstronomy & Space · 2 days ago

Is life possible on the star Vega?

14 Answers

  • 2 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    I presume you mean around the star, and the answer is that it's unlikely because planets are still forming there.

  • 8 hours ago


    not possible there either.

  • 16 hours ago

    In 1983, astronomers discovered dust orbiting Vega, suggesting that it had a solar system. Vega was thought to be only a couple of hundred million years old, probably too young for any planets to have spawned life. ... Vega is 2.15 times as massive as the sun, but between 625 million and 850 million years old.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    It's a bit warm on Vega, about 17,000 degrees.  That's even warmer than most earthly deserts.  So no, I don't think so.

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  • Personally I have never been there but I'm off for a trip as soon as the covid  lockdown is lifted so will let you know

  • 2 days ago

    Not the Star itself

    But on a Viable Planet around its Habitable Zone Maybe

    Barring Dangerous Radiation, the Bonic Barf Bunnies and other things

    Attachment image
  • 2 days ago

    I have a large poster of the Andromeda galaxy taped up onto my wall. I look at it and I see all of those beautiful blue stars in the spiral arms, and I think, what a great place for intelligent life to arise. I previously wrote this comment on this forum, and I got lots of thumbs downs. People said, you can't have life around blue stars! Blue stars are too short-lived to allow life to evolve. True, but we need blue stars to synthesize elements like Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, etc. etc., even Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen! How can we have life without these elements?

    But it is a fact that Vega is too young and too short-lived to harbor life, unless life came there from somewhere else. 


  • 2 days ago

    It's impossible for intelligent life to evolve rapidly enough on a planet orbiting Vega. A star that massive doesn't live long enough. At best, there are prokaryotes which aren't capable of photosynthesis. However, a spaceship could colonize a world around Vega.

  • 2 days ago

    Stars are too hot to support life... so, no. 

  • joedlh
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Life is not possible on any star. It's too hot. Perhaps you were asking if it were possible that life exists on one of Vega's planets. Science doesn't have a ready answer because life has not been demonstrated to exist on any planet besides Earth. That is not to say that life doesn't exist anywhere else. It's just that the technology to find it does not yet exist. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, as they say. If a planet is in the Goldilocks zone around a stable star, we don't know if there are conditions that would prevent life evolving on it.

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