When will COVID-19 in The United States no longer be considered a pandemic?

Will the COVID-19 pandemic ever end will America ever reach herd immunity will our lives ever return to our old normal will enough people be vaccinated/inoculated to finally mitigate the spread so we can feel safe again to be in crowds, travel, etc.? Will this ever happen? How many more months do we have left of the pandemic?


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To be precise, a pandemic by definition crosses international borders. No individual country has a pandemic -- the world has a pandemic. That's what the prefix "pan-" means. 

It will stop being a pandemic when no nation is seeing exponential transmission. The epidemiological curves are still showing that we do not have this under control. It's getting better, but it's still a brush fire. For reference, the case rate is still considerably worse now than we were in April of last year -- which is when we started locking everything down and getting short on hospital supplies. Look at the curves for the whole last year. Look at where we are now and compare that to last summer. We aren't out of this yet. 

It will no longer be an EPIDEMIC when enough of the population has immunity such that it can't readily spread. There are two and only two ways to get to that point: Infection & recovery, or vaccination. "Enough" of a population is when more than 70% of that population has immunity to the disease in question. Obviously, the preferred way to get to that point is by vaccination -- because getting there through infection & recovery will kill a lot of people. But no matter how you look at it, it will remain circulating through the human species until enough humans are immune to it. 

It is possible that will never happen. Viruses can become endemic to a population. In that case, they change frequently enough and are contagious enough that you can never reach that >70% threshold. That's why we have a flu season and an RSV season. Both of those viruses change fast enough and are contagious enough that humanity has never developed sufficient population immunity for them to die out. It is possible that COVID-19 will become an endemic disease. We don't know yet. We have to try our best to prevent that from happening, but that takes a monumental amount of effort and half the country doesn't even believe it's a problem. Imagine if we'd fought WWII with half of the country believing Germany and Japan weren't a problem? That's the difficulty we have faced for the last year. 


with biden getting out 1.7 million vaccinations a day we should be close to herd immunity by june . hang in there . 


When you stop spamming this and see a therapist about your OCD, Ben... which, given your history, will be NEVER.

Nine Lives2021-02-26T19:12:01Z

The time, all rights are taken away from you to turn you into a perfect slave.

Blocking Back2021-02-26T17:43:56Z

When everyone who needs it has a prescription for Growacet.

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