What does the equality act mean for gender reassignment in minors?


They want no age limits of chopping off breasts, penises, and vaginas. California just made it the law that there's no lower limit on double mastectomies (they're already doing them on completely physically healthy 12 year olds).  This is insane. I swear to God I will never vote Democrat again.

edit: STOP. LYING. There are no legal limits on GRS in North America. Many doctors CHOOSE not to do them under 18, BUT MANY WILL. . Jazz Jennings had GRS underage on live TV 3 years ago with 2 transwoman surgeons! [Jess Ting and Marci Bowers] -- and still liberals repeat the lie this doesn't happen. It not only happens, it's become COMMON. It didn't USE TO happen 25 years ago but it's been happening in greater numbers since 2010 when all the gate-keeping restrictions ended. This is a FACT.


"His report details a fourfold increase in patients at the Boston hospital. His Gender Management Service clinic, which opened at the hospital in 2007, averages about 19 patients each year, compared with about four per year treated for gender issues at the hospital in the late 1990s."The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm."In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient."

That article is from 2012 and quotes Johnna Olsen Kennedy, who's only become more prodigious since that interview.


First, minors are not eligible for gender reassignment surgery, despite what the right-wing propaganda machine says. Per internationally recognized guidelines people have to be both the age of legal majority in their country and have to have been living  full-time for at least a year in their affirmed gender.

What currently happens is parents who support their trans kids can help them socially transition (name, dress, grooming) at any age. They usually do this with the assistance of mental health professionals with expertise in gender issues. Once puberty starts the question then becomes whether puberty blocking drugs should be used. Blockers are not hormones, they don't change anything, they simply pause development until the child is older and can make a more informed choice about hormones (usually at age 16). It should also be noted that blocker, despite what the right-wing claims, are not dangerous. They have been used for over 40 years in children with precocious puberty and 30 years in trans teens and it hasn't been a problem.

The Equality Act doesn't change any of that. What the Act does do is move our societies recognition of LGBT people up to that of the rest of the population. And that's something the right-wing can't stand; they always need someone to demonize and oppress in order to remain relevant.

I need to make one more point. The right-wing will scream that the Equality Act will result in parents losing control of their children. That the state will take them away and make them transgender. The is hyperbole based on one unusual case in Ohio. A trans teen there came out to their parents and asked for help and support, which was denied. The parents became abusive and the mental health of the child was in serious jeopardy. Supportive grandparents, with the help of the court system, stepped in to save the child. The right-wing is essential defending the right of parents to drive their trans teens to suicide.

This answer was geared towards the Equality Act currently before the US Congress.


Nothing. The Equality Act merely amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit, and the jury system. Gender reassignment is a surgical procedure and neither surgical procedures nor their authorization is affected.