parents wont let me grow up?

I am currently 17 turning 18 this year my parents have never let me get a job even though I've been asking since I turn 16 I can drive but they never see to it that I go get my license so I've never had any sense of having anything on my own. my parents are very against me moving out and every time I bring it up they get very upset or emotional and trying to tell me that they will die if I leave. I do have a college fund and studying abroad is some thing I've always wanted to do and when I brought it up to my parents they were crying because they don't want me to leave home. I want to have a sense of self for my parents I feel like are emotionally manipulating me and I would feel guilty if I move out but I know that I need to.


once youre 18 you can move out whenever you want and they cant legally stop you


well youre an idiot, u have no job yet u want to move out, u want to get a job and think living alone will be a breeze when infact it will eat up everything u earn in a job, u should be happy they dont want you to move out.


MY advise take a driver training course and get your license.Get some driving experience behind you so your insurance won't be so high. Once your 18 there's not much they can say and it would be good for you to make your own money so you know the value of money and how hard it is to save.Just get a part time job or a summer job for now while your still attending school.