why is it that christianity doesnt teach evolution, why do some believe the lies?


Evolution is not a part of our creed. It is a scientific theory that was put forth by Darwin in the 1800s. Nearly 2000 years after Christianity began. Most of us don't deny the possibility of evolution though.It just isn't an article of our faith. Are you all aware that the big bang theory" was actually put forth by a Catholic professor, working at a Catholic university? It was not an atheist's theory.


Because we know it is not true.  There was no big bang theory.  How do we know that?  Some planets are older than others.  They would all be the same age.  We did not evolution we adapted to our enviroment.  So now they pretty much know it is not true.  But old habits are hard to break.  Teachers are told to teach that so they do even if they do not believe it.  Now most believe in aliens or someone from another planet put us here.


For the same reason it doesn't teach plumbing.


Because nobody has proved that atheistic evolution is the reason for the diversity of life this planet has known.  Nobody can prove that God didn't guide evolution to his own ends.

The fact remains that every single imperfect system that is not maintained degrades and fails with time.  Life is no exception, so let's hear no special pleading for it.  Half of all mutations are fatal.  49% are debilitating.  Only one percent of all mutations are even weakly beneficial.  If you insist on evolutioin,you logically have to admit God.


Christianity is inflexible when it comes to wanting 
God to have "created" everything, instead of 
allowing everything to take place as it will. 
Only an imperfect god would have to
sit back and "plan" anything at all, no less what
Christians allow themselves to suppose that he has to.

God's Plan = Give Existence Life. 
Christianity doesn't matter.

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