Do Christians actually obey Jesus' word?


Some of us try to obey him.  Some of us just cherry pick the Bible to agree with our beliefs.


In general, yes. Perfectly? No. Christians are human, and humans are not perfect. But we do our best to obey God's word, and become better at doing do over time.


All those who are called to KNOW The Lord,learn obedience to the Word 
of God.It doesn't happen overnight.As you learn who God is,and you 
have experienced the Spiritual Realm,you no longer turn to the left,your
path takes on meaning. Now,your very life is constantly in danger.At first,
there are many bumps in the road but eventually,you realize that Life is
submitting to the will of God.
  By God,I am referring to Jesus.


Do you?

Don't worry about them, your own salvation is in question. 


The trouble is he always spoke in parables, which led to mass misinterpretations.

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