Robinhood help?

Can somone please help me contact robinhood. It’s been 4 weeks and I have not been approved yet, and I don’t want my ssn and stuff sitting their. Can I create a new acocunt? Idk what to do lmk 


So I have an account with fidelity, but I wanted to invest in dogecoin also. Any ways I can do that?


And now you know WHY Robinhood is  a bush league brokerage house. 


move on to a real broker. Fidelity.

Your ssn is secure. Its not like they are handing it out to strangers.

Opening an account should take minutes and then a day or two to transfer money in. Not weeks.

Robinhood should be avoided. And not just because you can't get anyone on the phone or because they are slow to open an account.